Table of Contents
Academic publications related to the project
- Dencik, L., Hintz, A., Redden, J. and Trere, E. 2022. Data justice. Sage Publications.
- Dencik, L. and Sanchez-Monedero, J. 2022. Justicia de datos. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía y Sociedad Digital (10.53857/kynu7699)
- Jansen, F. 2022. ‘Predictive policing: transforming the city into a medium for control’, in M. Currie, J. Knox, and C. McGregor (eds) Data Justice and the Right to the City. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 27–45.
- Metcalfe, P. 2022. ‘“Hostile Data”, Migration and the City: Enacting and Resisting Spaces of Hostility in the UK’, in M. Currie, J. Knox, and C. McGregor (eds) Data Justice and the Right to the City. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 46–68.
- Dencik, L. 2022. Foreword. in M. Currie, J. Knox, and C. McGregor (eds) Data Justice and the Right to the City. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Dencik, L. & Sanchez-Monedero, J. 2022. Data justice. Internet Policy Review, 11(1). doi:10.14763/2022.1.1615
- Jansen F, Sánchez-Monedero J, Dencik L. Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice) recognition: The case of SiiP. Big Data & Society. July 2021. doi:10.1177/20539517211063604
- Dencik L, Stevens S. 2021. Regimes of justification in the datafied workplace: The case of hiring. New Media & Society. doi:10.1177/14614448211052893
- Niklas, J, Dencik, L. 2021. What rights matter? Examining the place of social rights in the EU’s artificial intelligence policy debate. Internet Policy Review. 10(3).
- Dencik, L. 2021. Towards Data Justice Unionism? A Labour Perspective on AI Governance. In: Verdegem, P. (ed.) AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives. Pp. 267–284. London: University of Westminster Press. DOI:
- Metcalfe, P. 2021. Autonomy of Migration and the Radical Imagination: Exploring Alternative Imaginaries within a Biometric Border. Geopolitics.
- Valdivia, L., Sánchez‐Monedero, J. and Casillas, J. 2021. How fair can we go in machine learning? Assessing the boundaries of accuracy and fairness. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 10.1002/int.22354
- Cath, C., & Jansen, F. 2021. Dutch Comfort: The limits of AI governance through municipal registers. preprint arXiv:2109.02944.
Dencik, L. 2020. Mobilizing Media Studies in an Age of Datafication. Television & New Media 21(6):568-573. 10.1177/1527476420918848
- Dencik, L.. 2020. Advancing Data Justice in Public Health and Beyond. The American Journal of Bioethics 20(10). 10.1080/15265161.2020.1806945.
- Fenton, N., Freedman, D., Schlosberg, J. and Dencik, L. 2020. The media manifesto. The Manifesto Series. Polity Press.
- Dencik, L. and Kaun, A. 2020. Introduction: datafication and the welfare state. Global Perspectives 1(1). 10.1525/gp.2020.12912.
- Lomborg, S., Dencik, L. and Moe, H. 2020. Methods for datafication, datafication of methods: introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Communication 35(3), pp. 203-212. 10.1177/0267323120922045.
- Taylor, L. and Dencik, L. 2020. Constructing commercial data ethics. Technology and Regulation. 10.26116/techreg.2020.001.
- Javier Sánchez-Monedero and Lina Dencik. 2020. The politics of deceptive borders: ‘biomarkers of deceit’ and the case of iBorderCtrl. Information, Communication and Society (In press). 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1792530.
- Javier Sánchez-Monedero, Lina Dencik, and Lilian Edwards. 2020. What does it mean to “solve” the problem of discrimination in hiring? social, technical and legal perspectives from the UK on automated hiring systems. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ’20), Barcelona, Spain 27-30 January. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 458–468. 10.1145/3351095.3372849. Winner of Best non-CS paper.
- Special Issue on Data Justice in the journal Information, Communication and Society. May 2019.
- Philippa Metcalfe and Lina Dencik. 2019. ‘The politics of big borders: Data (in)justice and the governance of refugees’. First Monday, Volume 24, Number 4 – 1, April 2019. 10.5210/fm.v24i4.9934
- Lina Dencik. 2018. ‘Surveillance Realism and the Politics of Imagination: Is There No Alternative?’ Krisis, Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, Data Activism, 1.
- Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz and Jonathan Cable. 2016. ‘Towards Data Justice? The Ambiguity of Anti-Surveillance Resistance in Political Activism’. Big Data & Society 3 (2): 205395171667967. 10.1177/2053951716679678.
Working papers
- Risking Lives: Smart Borders, Private Interests and AI Policy in Europe. Report by Philippa Metcalfe, Lina Dencik, Eleftherios Chelioudakis and Boudewijn van Eerd. August 2023.
- The Datafied Workplace and Trade Unions in the UK. Working paper by Jessica Brand, Lina Dencik and Sarah Murphy. March 2023.
- Top400: A top-down crime prevention strategy in Amsterdam. Report by Fieke Jansen and PILP. November 2022.
- Social rights and data technologies: looking for connections. Working paper by Jędrzej Niklas. January 2022.
- The Datafied Welfare State: A Perspective from the UK. Lina Dencik. September 2020.
- European artificial intelligence policy: mapping the institutional landscape. Working paper by Jędrzej Niklas and Lina Dencik. July 2020.
- Response on the White Paper on AI – a European approach. Response to public consultation by Fieke Jansen. June 2020.
- The datafication of the workplace. Working paper by Javier Sánchez-Monedero and Lina Dencik. May 2019.
- Data Driven Policing in the Context of Europe. Working paper by Fieke Jansen. May 2019.
- Engineering for social justice instead of fairness: a perspective from the context of policing. Blog post by Fieke Jansen. March 2019.
- How to (partially) evaluate automated decision systems. By Javier Sánchez-Monedero and Lina Dencik. December 2018.
- The datafication of borders and management of refugees in the context of Europe. By Javier Sánchez-Monedero. November 2018.
- A conceptual framework for approaching social justice in an age of datafication (PDF). By Lina Dencik, Fieke Jansen and Philippa Metcalfe. August 2018.
Other publications
- Fieke Jansen and Sarah Chander. 2021. Why EU needs to be wary that AI will increase racial profiling. Article on euobserver.
- Jędrzej Niklas. 2020. Digital Rights are Human Rights. The right to social security. Article on Digital Freedom Fund.
- Javier Sánchez-Monedero. 2020. Risks and uncertainties in contact tracing applications (part 1, part 2) on COVID-19 from the margins at Big Data from the South [Spanish and English Abstract].
- Fieke Jansen. 2020. The EU is ignoring AI’s effect on the climate crisis. Article on EURACTIV.
- Daniel Leufer and Fieke Jansen. 2020. The EU is funding dystopian Artificial Intelligence projects. Article on EURACTIV.
- Fiek Jansen. 2020. Book review: Explaining Society: Critical Realism in the Social Sciences, 2 nd Ed. By Berth Danermark, Mats Ekström, and Jan Ch. Karlsson. European Journal of Communication.

The first ‘Data Justice’ Conference
The first ‘Data Justice’ conference was held 21-22 May 2018 at Cardiff University (Cardiff, UK)
- More information
- Live Stream of Plenaries
- Conference Programme
- Conference Brochure (pdf)
- Follow #datajustice18
Media and press
- Fieke Janssen was quoted on the Canary in the piece about the reform to the Official Secrets Act in the United Kingdom and predictive policing: Revamp of Official Secrets Act could pave the way for more surveillance, October 2021.
- Javier Sánchez and Álvaro Lorite wrote and extensive report on the ecosystem of data, software, practices and regulatory attempts of AI in the workplace for Spanish media El Salto Diario. ‘Inteligencia artificial al servicio de tus jefes‘. September 2021.
- We were interviewed in HR Technologist regarding our award-winning paper on automated hiring systems and bias mitigation: ‘How HR Can Help Solve the Hiring Discrimination Crisis‘. March 2020.
- Our research on automated hiring systems informs the article ‘Fear and Liability in Algorithmic Hiring‘ on Tech Crunch. February 2020.
- Fieke’s research on data-driven policing is referenced in Netzpolitik: Eine neue Ära. February 2020.
- Our research on automated hiring systems informs the article ‘Fear and Liability in Algorithmic Hiring‘ on Tech Crunch. February 2020.
- Lina Dencik was quoted on Novara Media piece on European smart border project ‘iBorderCtrl’: ‘AI Border Guards are Being Tested at the Edge of Fortress Europe, Away From Public Scrutiny.’ December 2019.
- Javier Sánchez was quoted about our work on the datafication of the workplace on Spanish media ‘Los científicos se cansan de la moda de la Inteligencia Artificial y piden prohibir algunos de sus usos: “No se sostienen”‘. December 2019.
- Javier Sánchez wrote an article on the statistical limits of mass screening on ‘Los límites estadísticos de la vigilancia masiva: no sirve para detectar individuos sino criminalizar colectivos‘. November 2019.
- Desalambre interviewed Javier on our work on border control and migration: ‘La frontera como base de datos‘. June 2019.
Video and audio resources
Media and recordings of events attended by the team:
- Videos of Data Power 2019 at ZeMKI Uni Bremen. September 2019. You can access to the ‘Data Justice’ panel here.
- Presentation of the “Data Justice Project“, by Lina Dencik.
- “Situating data (justice) in critical social theory“, by Lina Dencik.
- “Data-driven hiring, labour relations, and social justice“, by Javier Sanchez Monedero.
- [Video] Fieke Jansen presented ‘Blinded by Technology‘ at Art Meets Radical Openness 2018. August 2018.
- [Video] Lina Dencik presented the seminar ‘Governance, Citizenship and Resistance in the Datafied Society‘ at the University of Edinburgh. May 2018.
- [Video] Lina Dencik and Arne Hintz presented ‘Towards Data Justice: Social Justice in the Era of Datafication‘ at re:publica 2017. May 2017.
Spanish video and audio resources:
- [Video, Spanish] Javier presented the working paper on auditing of sociotechnical systems at Media Lab Prado’s workshop on Data, Ethics and Common Good in Madrid.
- [Audio, Spanish] Javier presented the report ‘The datafication of borders and management of refugees in the context of Europe‘ at Post Apocalipsis Nau. The conversation includes activists of the network of solitary and welcome (red de solidaridad y acogida) in Madrid. December 2018.
- [Podcast + Article, Spanish] Javier Sánchez was interviewed on El Salto Radio: ‘Big Data, machine learning y justicia social: mitos y realidades‘ (Spanish). October 2018.
- [Video, Spanish] Javier Sánchez presented the talk ‘Justicia social y datos: más allá de la privacidad en la era Big Data’ (Spanish) August 2018.