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The Data Justice Project (DJP) and the Welcome Solidarity Network (Red Solidaria de Acogida, RSA) are organizing a workshop for academics and activists to collectively share what is a stake in data-driven systems related to migration and the governance of refugees in the European context. We will introduce some of these technical systems and the associated policies together with experiences in Greece, Spain and the southern border. We hope to have a productive conversation about the impact of data on the rights of migrants and refugees.
There will be limited space. If you are interested in attending please email Javier Sánchez Monedero at sanchez-monederoj[at]cardiff.ac.uk including in the subject [Workshop-Madrid].
To introduce the topic and systems and reduce the gap with non-English speakers, we will hold an introductory seminar of the ongoing research of the project on Friday 7th June. More information here.
Presentations (new)
- Datajustice framework, systems and tools and update from the Greek Mainland (Data justice project).
- Presentation on the European Southern Border (APDHA).
- Discussion questions.
Date and location
The workshop will be held in Madrid on Saturday 6th July 2019 from 11:00 to 13:45. Bookshop Traficantes de Sueños (Calle Duque de Alba,13, 28012 Madrid. Underground Tirso de Molina)
The presentations and discussion will be done in English and Spanish and an interpreter will translate the event.
Workshop schedule
Presentations (11:00-12:00)
- Introduction to the Datajustice framework (DJP)
- Introduction to systems and tools (DJP)
- Updates from the Greek Mainland (DJP)
- Experiences in Madrid (RSA and others)
- Experiences in the southern border (APDHA).
Debate (12:00-13:30)
Conclusions (13:30-13:45)
This workshop will include research results of the Data Justice Project team published in:
- Philippa Metcalfe and Lina Dencik. The politics of big borders: Data (in)justice and the governance of refugees. First Monday, Volume 24, Number 4 – 1 April 2019.
- Javier Sánchez-Monedero. The datafication of borders and management of refugees in the context of Europe. Working Paper. Data Justice Project. November 2018.
List of presentations and discussion questions: