Español / English
Friday 7th June. 19:00. Centro Social La Ingobernable. Room 2.01. Calle Gobernador 39, Madrid (OSM, Google Maps)
Abstract: In this talk we will present some of the systems involved in the datafication of migration and the governance of refugees. We will summarise data-driven tools used by international organizations, the EU and its member states to manage refugees and migrants. By introducing these tools we will try to depict the politics implemented by these socio-technical systems and question if data functions to systematically stigmatize, exclude and oppress ‘unwanted’ migrant populations through mechanisms of criminalisation, identification, and social sorting.
This talk will present the research results of the Data Justice Project team published in:
- Philippa Metcalfe and Lina Dencik. The politics of big borders: Data (in)justice and the governance of refugees. First Monday, Volume 24, Number 4 – 1 April 2019.
- Javier Sánchez-Monedero. The datafication of borders and management of refugees in the context of Europe. Working Paper. Data Justice Project. November 2018.
Speaker: Javier Sánchez Monedero. Research Associate at the Data Justice Lab (Cardiff University).
Organisers: Red de Solidaria de Acogida and Data Justice Project.